Monday, January 25, 2010

Constitutional Law 101 Lecture 2 Now Available For Download


An Internet Course

Presented By Professor Henry Mark Holzer

Hank Holzer delivered his live Lecture 2 on Sunday, January 24, 2010. This is its content:

2. The American Constitutional System

A working definition of "constitutional law."

"Originalism" and other tools of constitutional interpretation, emotional and otherwise. And a word about this week’s Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.

Griswold v. Connecticut, illustrating federalism, separation of powers and judicial review—and judicial invention at its worst.

Kelo v. City of New London, illustrating the Supreme Court's playing fast and loose with clear constitutional language.

Judicial supremacy: primarily Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in Marbury v. Madison, which established the principle of Judicial Review; how the Supreme Court came to be the Constitution's final arbiter and the Court the more equal branch.

Federalism: the relationship and tensions between the federal and state governments, with examples showing federal legislation affecting matters which should be within the powers of the states; how the Court thwarted Arkansas voters, and how the conservatives thwarted Congress in the Brady Law case of Printz v. United States.

Separation of powers: the relationship and tensions between the three supposedly equal branches of government — legislative, executive and judicial — with examples of where the "more equal" Court refereed battles between the other two branches and, in the bargain, expanded its own powers. Illustrations include President Truman's seizure of the steel mills during the Korean War and the House's refusal to seat a playboy Congressman.

The length of Lecture 2, and how it can be downloaded, can be found after the last sentence of that lecture’s contents, HERE. Click on “Add to Cart” to purchase.


Please remember that while there is no "homework" for these lectures, to benefit fully from them Hank Holzer strongly recommends you obtain and read a copy of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Also, especially before you download Lecture 2, you will benefit from reading the Supreme Court opinion in Griswold v. Connecticut. You will find it useful to have the four documents available during the lectures you download.